Inti Illimani At 50.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JANUARY 1
PROGRAM # 8233 12:00 PM PT

Inti Illimani At 50.

In this holiday edition, a leader of the legendary folk ensemble Inti Illimani talks about the 50 years of history of the Chilean group. He tells stories about the growth of the New Song movement in Latin America, their years in exile during the dictatorship, their return to the homeland, the new Inti, and their friends. He also comments on the centennial celebrations around the world for the renowned singer and composer Violeta Parra, who also left a deep footprint in the repertoire of the music for social change around the continent. This is a program repeat.

Guest: Marcelo Coulon, Co-Founder, Inti Illimani, San Francisco, CA.

Photo: Inti Illimani/Facebook

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