Immigrants in the Transition. Also, Juan Villoro.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13
PROGRAM # 7952 12:00 PM PST.

Immigrants in the Transition.

A veteran political analyst and immigration law expert comments on Trump’s transition plans. Trump nominated Sen. Jeff Sessions for attorney general and Gen. John Kelly to lead DHS. What does it mean for immigrants? And how are the plans for the wall received by border city governments? He also comments on a last-minute Senate bill to protect DACA recipients from deportation.

Guest: Attorney Carlos Spector-Calderón, Immigration Law Expert, Host of Radio Show “Trucha Time”, El Paso, TX

Juan Villoro. A conversation with renowned Mexican novelist and journalist Juan Villoro. He was in Berkeley to talk about Latin American letters and the spiral of violence and grief in Mexico. He says in his younger years he resisted studying letters, because he didn’t want a passion to become a duty. He also says Mexico, with so many mass graves, is now a true necropolis.

Guest: Juan Villoro, Mexican Writer, Journalist and Public Intellectual, Berkeley, CA

Photo: causaabierta.blogia

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