Valeria Luiselli’s Literary Feat. Also, Combatting Immigration Service Scams.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29.
PROGRAM # 7728 12:00 PM PT

Valeria Luiselli’s Literary Feat.

Mexican young writer Valeria Luiselli is a finalist of the National Book Critics Circle Award in the US, becoming the third Latin American to be named a finalist in the history of this prestigious award. She is been recognized for her novel “The Story of My Teeth,” a book created with the help of factory workers who shared their stories with her. This is an interview with and a recorded book reading by Luiselli.

Guest: Valeria Luiselli, Writer, Mexico City.

Combatting Immigration Service Scams. Warning that consumer fraud is a widespread problem involving hundreds of millions of dollars and victims are often scared to report it, the head of the Federal Trade Commission, is tackling consumer scams against unsuspecting immigrants. In this interview, she alerts vulnerable consumers.

Guest: Edith Ramirez, Chairwoman, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC


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