Grape Harvest Fest.

Thiursday_673x324THURSDAY, MAY 26.
PROGRAM # 7791 12:00 PM PT

Grape Harvest Fest.

Mexican organizers started celebrating the beginning of the grape harvest in the rich vineyards of the Coachella Valley some thirty years ago. At some point, the local Purepecha indigenous community joined the tradition and the grape harvest festival is now enriched by the sounds of Danza de los Viejitos, and the smells of Churipo, Corundas and other typical food plates from Michoacan, in an effort to lift the spirits of the hard-working farm laborers. Organizers of the festival in Mecca join this program.

Guests: Meregildo Ortiz, Maximiliano Ortiz, Juanita Rodriguez and Lilia Sánchez, Co-Organizers, Grape Harvest Festival Coordinator, Mecca, CA.

Photo: Stef/Flickr

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