Talkshow: Juan Tejeda and Linda Escobar

tejano festivalTHURSDAY, MAY 31
PROGRAM # 8349 12:00 PM PT

Tejano Conjunto Festival.

This program offers special coverage from San Antonio from the Tejano Conjunto Festival, where the accordion is king. The program captures emblematic segments of music from the festival and conversations with outstanding performers. This program includes conversations with the founder of the festival, Juan Tejeda, who tells how Conjunto music has been elevated from a music for bars to the world stage, and with legend of Tejano songs, Linda Escobar, who pays tribute to her father, the late maestro Eligio Escobar.

Guests: Juan Tejeda, Founder of the Festival, Accordion Master, Leader of Conjunto Aztlán, San Antonio, TX; Bernardo Martínez, Director, Bernardo Martínez y sus Compadres, San Antonio, TX; Mario Díaz, Director, Los Monarcas de Pete y Mario Díaz, San Antonio, TX; Santiago Garza, Director, Grupo La Naturaleza, San Antonio, TX; Linda Escobar, Singer and Composer, San Antonio, TX.

Photo: radio bilingue

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