Mexican-American Studies Prevail in Arizona.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JANUARY 8
PROGRAM # 8238 12:00 PM PT

Mexican-American Studies Prevail in Arizona.

A US judge blocked for good an ethnic studies ban in Arizona public schools, prohibiting Arizona education officials to enforce the law that eliminated Mexican-American studies programs. The judge cited racism and political gain among motives behind the law. Analysts look into the clash of legal arguments in the case and its political ramifications both in the region and in other states where this kind of academic programs are been embraced.

Guests: Prof. Tony Diaz, Chair of Mexican American Studies at Lonestar North Harris College, Writer, Founder of Librotraficante campaign, Houston, TX; Alfredo Figueroa, Writer, Founder, Escuela de la Raza Unida, Blythe, CA; Valeria Fernández, Correspondent, Phoenix, AZ.


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