“Writing 50 Years (más o menos) Amongst the Gringos.”

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6
PROGRAM # 9402 12:00 PM PDT

“Writing 50 Years (más o menos) Amongst the Gringos.”

Released this week, this book is a collection of writings and excerpts from books of writer and scholar Roberto Dr. Cintli Rodriguez.The book includes columns, essays and stories gathered from the life experience of Rodriguez as a Mexicano/Chicano, from his personal experience with police violence to the push-out of students of color, the mass jailing of Blacks and Latinos, Native American spirituality, and the “Re-indigenization of America.” This is a conversation with the author.

Guest: Roberto Dr. Cintli Rodriguez, Writer, Journalist, Professor, Author of “Writing 50 Years (mas o menos) Amongst the Gringos,” Mexico City.

Photo: Aztlan Libre Press/Twitter

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