Very Few Latino Professors. Also, Latino Students Facing Barriers. Also, Sounds of East San José.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20
PROGRAM # 8203 12:00 PM PST.

Very Few Latino Professors.

Latino students are enrolling in growing numbers. Yet, Latino faculty makes up only four percent of faculty in the nation. In California’s San Joaquin Valley, this gap is even worse. Where are the Latino professors? What’s the impact of this shortage on student’s education? What’s been done to recruit and retain Latino professors?

Guest: Dr. Alfredo Cuéllar, Retired Professor of Education, Migrant Education Consultant, Member of Board of Directors, Educational and Leadership Foundation, Fresno, CA.

Latino Students Facing Barriers. Latino students in California attend the most segregated schools and often are discouraged from following a path to college. These critical issues of the new majority could spell trouble for the state’s future.

Guest: Raquel Simental, Director of External Relations and Communications, The Education Trust-West, Oakland, CA.

Sounds of East San José. San José’s Eastside barrios have a long history of political and cultural activism. This neighborhood has given birth to number of renowned art groups. Through a special event this week, folk art organizations will celebrate that tradition and capture the diverse soundscape of this area in the San Francisco Bay area.

Guest: Russell Rodriguez, Cultural Worker and Scholar, Accomplished Musician, Program Manager, Alliance for California Traditional Arts, San José, CA.


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