“My (Underground) American Dream.” Also, Now a Citizen and Ready to Vote.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20
PROGRAM # 7884 12:00 PM PST.

“My (Underground) American Dream.”

Julissa Arce became a Wall Street executive, an investment banker, while still being an undocumented. Now a newly-naturalized US Citizen, Julissa tells her incredible story in her book “My (Underground) American Dream,” and uses it to inspire Latinos to register and vote. She talks about the launching of her book and her tour to celebrate the power of the Latino vote. An immigration expert also comments on news developments of the week and answers listener questions.

Guests: Julissa Arce, Author of “My (Underground) American Dream,” Cofounder/Chair, Ascend Educational Fund, Immigrant Rights Advocate; Los Angeles, CA;

Now a Citizen and Ready to Vote. A leader of Dreamers, recognized by Time magazine as a most influential person, became a citizen and is now ready to vote. She is now taking her immigration battle to the voting polls.

Guests: Dulce Matuz, Co-founder and Treasurer, Arizona Dream Act Coalition (ADAC), Phoenix AZ; Attorney Rosalba Piña, Immigration Law Expert, Chicago, IL.

Photo: Julissa Arce/Faceboo

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