Encuentro de Jaraneros.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22
PROGRAM # 7886 12:00 PM PT

Encuentro de Jaraneros.

Groups of soneros and bailadores from all over California gathered in East Los Angeles, a hotbed of Mexican folk music, in the longest-running encuentro that celebrates a decades-long connection between Chicanos from Los Angeles and the traditional music from the Mexican coastal state of Veracruz. With the sones, fandango and zapateado, typical of community fiestas veracruzanas, bands of maestros and young soneros came together this weekend in Los Angeles to pass the jaranero movement to new generations.

Guests: Violeta Quintero, Master of Son, Sueños de Oro, San Fernando, CA; María de la Rosa, Maestra, Dia Pa’Son de la Bahía, Oakland, CA; Luis Alberto Sarmiento, Singer, Son del Centro, Santa Ana, CA.

Photo: npr.org

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