Lighting the New Fire.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14
PROGRAM # 8543 12:00 PM PT

Lighting the New Fire.

With a ceremony of the Lighting of the New Fire, P’urhepecha migrants living in the US Northwest celebrated the beginning of the New Year in the tradition of this ancient people from Western Mexico. Hundreds came together to enjoy pirecua music and dance, over festive meals of deer churipo, corunda and pozole, in a festival that, through deep meditation and remembrance for the ancestors, marks the start of the corn farming season and a new life cycle. This story is part of the series “Raíces,” on folk arts and culture.

Guests: Marco Antonio Flores Quin, Coordinator, Co-founder, Ireta P’urhépecha, Seattle, WA; Carlos Mota, P’urhépecha Folk Artist, Seattle, WA; Albertina Vallejo, Co-Founder, Ireta P’urhépecha, Woodburn, OR.


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