The New Sound of Son Jarocho.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MAY 28
PROGRAM # 8346 12:00 PM PT

The New Sound of Son Jarocho.

Women musicians from California and Mexico convened in San Francisco community festival for a unique series of fandango and son jarocho concert activities where the voice and art of women was headlined and honored. These master musicians have been celebrating and reinventing for years the sound of this Afro-Mexican music style rooted in the Mexican coastal area of Veracruz. In this conversation, Chicana and Mexican musicians and cultural activists exchange experiences, and talk about their role in the jaranero movement and their quest to make the voice and ideas of women visible through song. The program also features recorded music from the concert.

Guests: Martha González, Director, Entre Mujeres, Los Angeles, CA; María de la Rosa, Director, DiaPa’Son, Oakland, CA; Adriana Cao Romero, Director, Caña Dulce y Caña Brava, Mexico City; Anna Arismendez, Leona Guitar Player, Caña Dulce y Caña Brava, Mexico City.


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