Extra Edition: Pachucos.

Thursday_673x324 11am(1)THURSDAY, APRIL 15
PROGRAM # 9227 11:00 AM PDT

Extra Edition: Pachucos.

A historical review of the Pachuco culture, the character of Luis Valdez’s “Zoot Suit” movie fame. The program included recorded interviews with legendary performer Lalo Guerrero, late activist Josefina Fierro, and artist Jose Montoya, commenting on the Zoot Suit riots and barrio music from the 1940′s. It also included readings and songs giving insight into the rebel behavior, the “Spanglish” slang and the elegant clothing of these young gang members of the ’40′s and ’50′s. This is a repeat of an archival program, originally aired on October 8, 1999.

Photo: Jaime Camil/Twitter

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