Extra Edition: “Mexamerica.” (Program Repeat) Also, “Silence of Spanish Florida.”

Thursday_673x324 11amTHURSDAY, APRIL 21
PROGRAM # 9599 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: “Mexamerica.” (Program Repeat)

Countering the current rhetoric in the US, which casts Mexicans as criminals and job stealers, a “Mexamerican” journalist published a collection of her stories, interviews, and essays with Mexican artists, scientists, businesspeople and political leaders to give a different outlook of the rapidly growing while largely invisible “Mexamerica’s culture.” The author talks about her new book.

Guest: Fey Berman, Arts Journalist, Author, “Mexamérica: Una cultura naciendo…”, New York, NY.

“Silence of Spanish Florida.” The new PBS TV documentary “Silence of Spanish Florida,” tells the story of St. Augustine, the first permanent European settlement in the US, nearly a century before Jamestown. The Spanish town was established with people from different races from the beginning. A historian discusses this hidden history and the story of the first free Black town in what is now the US. This program was originally aired on Jan 17, 2018.

Guest: Dr. Jane Landers, Professor of History, Vanderbilt University, Historian for the Gracia Real de Santa Teresa de Mose archaeological project and museum in St. Augustine, Nashville, TN.

Photo: Mexamerica Fey Berman via facebook

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