Extra Edition: Inti Illimani. A Repeat.

PROGRAM # 9466 11:00 AM PDT

Extra Edition: Inti Illimani. A Repeat.

This is an interview with leading members of the group Inti Illimani, a living legend of the new Chilean song, originally aired on November 11, 1996. The group was formed in 1967 and their song ¡Venceremos ! became the anthem of the Popular Unity government of President Salvador Allende. After the coup d’état they were outlawed by Pinochet’s military junta and had to stay in exile for many years. They talk about that history and their album “Arriesgaré la Piel.”

Guests: Horacio Salinas, Co-Founder and Musical Director, Marcelo Coulom, Veteran Member, Inti Illimani, San Francisco, CA.


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