Extra Edition: East Harlem Barrio. (Repeat.)

Tuesday_673x324 11amTUESDAY, DECEMBER 27
PROGRAM # 9866 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: East Harlem Barrio. (Repeat.)

This archival program features an interview with Petra Allende, “the mayoress of the East Harlem neighborhood.” Allende, a longtime neighbor and community advocate for civil rights, talks about the revitalization of the struggling and impoverished barrio after the arrival of new Mexican immigrants to East Harlem. Also, local Mexican business owners share stories about their high-risk investments in fondas, stores, and bodegas in a district formerly plagued with crime and drug trafficking. Originally aired on Sept 17, 1997.

Guests: Petra Allende, Civil Rights Activist, New York, NY; Eugenio Herrera, Small Business Owner, La Casa del Rodeo, New York, NY.

Photo: Mozart Diensthuber via wikimedia

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