Extra Edition: Cruz Reynoso.

Thursday_673x324 11amTHURSDAY, MAY 20
PROGRAM # 9262 11:00 AM PDT

Extra Edition: Cruz Reynoso.

Judge Cruz Reynoso who fought for more than six decades for justice for all and an end to discrimination, passed away last week. As a tribute, we repeat a program on Reynoso’s biographic documentary “Cruz Reynoso: Sowing the Seeds of Justice.” The film follows his life from his childhood in a family of farmworkers to his work as a lawyer and law professor, his appointment as the first Latino justice to serve on the California Supreme Court, and his leadership role in the investigation of voting rights abuses in the 2000 election in Florida. This archival program was originally aired on May 20, 2010. This is a rerun.

Guests: Cruz Reynoso, Former California Supreme Court Justice, Professor Emeritus of Law, University of California, Davis, CA; Ken Schneider, Filmmaker and editor, Patchworksfilms, San Francisco, CA.

Photo: sowing the Seeds of Justice: Cruz Reynoso/Facebook

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