Extra Edition: “Comadres al Aire.”

Tuesday_673x324 11amTUESDAY, MAY 4
PROGRAM # 9245 11:00 AM PDT

Extra Edition: “Comadres al Aire.”

Two acclaimed journalists and producers are premiering on Radio Bilingüe’s public radio network a new series showcasing conversations on intimate matters that “comadres” in the neighborhood talk about when they chat in confidence. The co-producers and co-hosts of the podcast “Comadres al Aire” Valeria Fernández and Maritza Felix comment on how this podcast was born, a podcast that plans to address issues of reproductive health, menstruation, sexuality, motherhood and long-distance duels, all issues difficult to talk about because of taboos or fear and that have become more critical in current times of the coronavirus pandemic.

Guests: Valeria Fernández, Award-Winning Journalist, Executive Producer and Co-Host of “Comadres al Aire”, Nieman Visiting Fellow, Phoenix, AZ; Maritza Félix, Co-Producer, Co-Host, “Comadres al Aire,” Founder of “Conecta Arizona,” Phoenix, AZ.

Photo: Comadres al Aire/Facebook

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