Immigration Edition: “The Lives and Times of El Cipitío.”

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JULY 9
PROGRAM # 8646 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition: “The Lives and Times of El Cipitío.”

In this novel, the author tells the story of the mythical creature El Cipitio, who migrates from El Salvador to the US in search of his twin brother, father and mother, who tried to kill him when he was a baby. It is a story about gangs in Los Angeles, rising to political power through cheating and bribes, and about his efforts to find redemption. The author also talks about the tragic death in the Rio Grande of Salvadoran migrant Oscar and his daughter Valeria, and current events at the border based on his own experience, as the US-born son of a Salvadoran mother who was deported. He also comments on the lack of Salvadoran-American literature, the stereotypes hurting the Salvadoran community and what is expected from incoming President Nayib Bukele.

Guest: Randy Jurado Ertll, Writer, Columnist, Teacher, Author of “The Lives and Times of El Cipitío” and Other Books, Los Angeles, CA.


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