“East of Salinas.” Also, LGBTs in the Fields.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, DECEMBER 28.
PROGRAM # 7683 12:00 PM PT

“East of Salinas.”

This film tells the story of a gifted third-grade boy who dreams of a life better than the hard-working fields and the gang-riddled streets of Salinas. And it’s also the story of his dedicated teacher, who is also a son of migrants. While excelling in school, the Mexican boy is an undocumented and is beginning to come to grips with the fear of deportation. The film premieres on the national public TV network PBS.

Guest: Oscar Ramos, Teacher, Sherwood Elementary School, Salinas, CA.

LGBTs in the Fields. LGBT farmworkers are largely invisible in rural communities. They live in fear of being “outed.” They are vulnerable to discrimination and hate crimes. An academic research project in California has produced a film featuring stories by lesbian Latina farmworkers to put a spotlight on the day-to-day struggles of LGBT fieldworkers in the Central Valley.

Guests: María del Consuelo Cárdenas, Farm Worker, Davis, CA, http://sexualidadescampesinas.ucdavis.edu/en/man-woman-or-fish/ ; Elisa Oceguera, PhD Candidate, Cultural Studies, UC Davis, Davis, CA.

Photo: itvs.org

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