Dolores Huerta on Dr. King’s Legacy. Also, Tite Curet: “Las Caras Lindas de mi Gente Negra.”

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JANUARY 18
PROGRAM # 9147 12:00 PM PST

Dolores Huerta on Dr. King’s Legacy.

On Martin Luther King Jr Day, the civil rights icon Dolores Huerta shares a reflection on Dr. King’s legacy. She is calling on people to commit to eliminate racism, to fight with nonviolence, and to stand by the organizing of lowest paid workers. Huerta also said that while they didn’t meet, Dr. King and her communicated and worked together on common causes.

Guest: Dolores Huerta, President, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Bakersfield, CA.

Tite Curet: “Las Caras Lindas de mi Gente Negra.” On Dr. King’s Day and on the eve of the World Day for African and Afrodescendant Culture, Puerto Rican composer Tite Curet Alonso talks about his worldwide acclaimed songs, his work with the top salsa interpreters, and his lifetime celebration of Afro-Latino culture through music. This archival interview with the late composer was originally aired in 2,000.

Guest: Tite Curet Alonso, Master Songwriter, San Juan, PR.

Photo: Colorlines/Twitter

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