“Corazones and Canciones: La Marisoul and Los Texmaniacs.”

Monday_673x324MONDAY, APRIL 10
PROGRAM # 9970 12:00 PM PT

“Corazones and Canciones: La Marisoul and Los Texmaniacs.”

Mexican American musical powerhouses Marisol Hernández—La Marisoul—from Los Angeles and San Antonio-based Tejano conjunto Los Texmaniacs came together to launch an album of cherished canciones rancheras, and boleros. The album, “Corazones and Canciones,” under the record label of Smithsonian Folkways, features special guest Little Joe Hernández and his trademark “Las nubes,” the song he propelled to the forefront of the Chicano Movement.

Guests: Marisol Hernández, La Marisoul, La Santa Cecilia, Los Angeles, CA; Max Baca, Los Texmaniacs, San Antonio, TX; Daniel Sheehy, Director and Curator Emeritus, Smithsonian Folkways Recordings, Washington, DC.

Photo: La Marisoul via Facebook

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