Live Coverage of the Tejano Conjunto Festival: Gilberto García Jr. y los Dos Gilbertos

Sunday_673x324SUNDAY, MAY 20
PROGRAM # 8337  3:00 PM PT

Tejano Conjunto Concert: Day Two. Hour 2.

This second hour of live coverage of the second day of the Tejano Conjunto Festival in San Antonio features live music by Gilberto García Jr y los Dos Gilbertos, and Bernardo y sus Compadres from Laredo, as well as words from festival director Cristina Ballí. It also features interviews with Gilberto García Jr. and festival-goers, including a member of Conjunto J from Japan.

Guests: Gilberto García Jr, Director, Gilberto García Jr y Los Dos Gilbertos, San Antonio, TX; Conjunto Music Fans.


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