PROGRAM # 8228 12:00 PM PT
Cantos de San José.
The neighborhoods of East of San José have changed from the struggling unpaved streets of the barrio Salsipuedes in the 50s to being the scene of Cesar Chavez’ grape boycotts in the 60s to memorable Lowrider parades in the 70s to the thriving diverse community nowadays. Master musicians tell the story of those transformations through singing, dances and storytelling, as captured in a recent event in the Mexican Heritage Plaza in the heart of East San Jose.
Guests: Artemio Posadas, Russell Rodriguez, Federico Zúñiga, Charlie Montoya, Demone and Ellis Carter, Halau Napuaokamokihanaoha, Calpulli Tonalehqueh, Ana Cecilia Reyes, Chelis López.
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