“Bakosó: Afrobeats of Cuba.”

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JULY 5
PROGRAM # 9307 12:00 PM PDT

“Bakosó: Afrobeats of Cuba.”

A new documentary features a musical genre emerging in the streets of Santiago, Cuba’s cultural capital, a sound that has roots in Cuba traditions and contemporary Africa. The filmmaker follows pioneers and performers of the new musical sound, called Bakosó, and showcases the African cultural roots and high energy that are present in the daily life, music, dance and spirit of the Caribbean peoples. This is a special Holiday edition.

Guests: Eli Jacobs-Fantauzzi, Director, “Bakosó: Afrobeats of Cuba”, Carolina, Puerto Rico; DJ Jigüe, Leading Bakosó Performer, Havana, Cuba.

Bakosó: Afrobeats of Cuba can be streamed for free as part of Black Public Media’s AfroPoP: The Ultimate Cultural Exchange on worldchannel.org

Photo: Bakosó: AfroBeats of Cuba/Facebook

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