Línea Abierta At 25: The First Broadcasts.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25
PROGRAM # 8811 12:00 PM PT

Línea Abierta At 25: The First Broadcasts.

On this day, Línea Abierta turns 25. The original production team meets to reflect on the dreams driving the creation of the first nationally-distributed weekday news/talk show in Spanish in the public radio system. The program, still the only one of its kind, was launched to give Latino stories headline status, provide a national platform for public officials and social leaders to discuss big policy issues impacting Latino communities, and actively engage the listeners in the public conversation.

Guests: Juan Arámbula, Former Host, Línea Abierta, Former California Assemblymember, Fresno, CA; María Eraña, Former Producer, Línea Abierta, Broadcast Manager, Radio Bilingüe, Fresno, CA; Samuel Orozco, Executive Producer/Host, Línea Abierta, Director of News and Information, Radio Bilingüe, Fresno, CA.

Photo: Radio Bilingue/Facebook

For more information about Linea Abierta click here

To visit Linea Abierta audio archives go to archivosderb.org

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