Serra: A Saint?

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2.
PROGRAM # 7600 12:00 PM PT

Serra: A Saint?

Despite opposition from Native American groups, Pope Francis is planning to canonize Franciscan friar Junipero Serra as a saint during his trip to Washington DC this month. While the Catholic Church hails Serra as the evangelizer of California, one of the founding fathers of the U.S. and special patron of the Latino people, for Native Americans Serra’s canonization has revived painful memories of forced conversions, widespread abuse and the death of thousands during the colonial and missionary period. We examine opposing views on this issue.

Guests: Elías Castillo, Author of Book “A Cross of Thorns”, Pulitzer Prize Nominated Journalist, San Francisco Bay Area, CA,; Mark Day, Former Franciscan Priest, Former Editor/Correspondent for National Catholic Reporter, Emmy Award Winning Filmmaker, Vista, CA,


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