Rep. Xavier Becerra. Also, Where to Live.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MAY 6.
PROGRAM # 7515 12:00 PM PT

Rep. Xavier Becerra.

A conversation with Rep. Xavier Becerra, on police violence and racial riots in Baltimore, his opposition to the free-trade Trans Pacific Partnership, and his support for the ongoing talks and agreements with Iran on Iran’s nuclear program.

Guest: Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-LA, Chair, US House Democratic Caucus, Washington, DC.

Also, Where to Live. A spokesperson for an organization for the elderly reports on an informational tool that allows people to identify cities where their current and future needs could be met, including walk friendly neighborhoods and communities with affordable housing and public transportation.

Guest: Anaí Ibarra, Associate State Director, Multicultural Communications, AARP, Pasadena, CA.

Photo: Congressman Xavier Becerra/Facebook

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