Children Without a Birth Certificate.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JUNE 16.
PROGRAM # 7544 12:00 PM PT

Children Without a Birth Certificate.

While Republicans in Congress seek to end birthright citizenship to the children of undocumented parents, Texas is denying birth certificates to U.S. citizen children whose parents are undocumented. An advocate representing affected women from Mexico and Central America comments on this. In addition, this week marks the third anniversary of DACA. A leader of Dreamers discusses the impact of the federal program and the prospects for the expanded version.

Guests: Jennifer Harbury, Attorney, Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid, Weslaco, TX,; Cristina Jiménez, Managing Director, United We Dream, New York, NY,; Maria Treviño-Rodriguez, DACA Recipient, Student at University of Houston, Houston, TX


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