Línea Abierta: 20 Years.

Wednesday 2_673x324With a live-audience panel aired via satellite from Albuquerque, Línea Abierta premiered the first program twenty years ago. The opening program aired a debate on poverty and efforts in Congress to end welfare. This edition features voices of the first years of Línea Abierta, the first nationally-distributed talk show in Spanish in the US public radio system.

Guests: María Eraña, First Producer of Línea Abierta, Broadcast Manager for Radio Bilingüe, Fresno, CA; (Audio Cuts) Juan Arámbula, Former Host, Línea Abierta; Rafael Gracia, Former Host, Línea Abierta desde Puerto Rico; Francisco Huerta, Former Host, Línea Abierta desde México; Nobel Winner Rigoberta Menchú; Reporter Guillermo Zamora, Senator Adolfo Aguilar Zinzer, Physicist Miguel Angel Valdovinos; General José Francisco Gallardo.

Photo: Radio Bilingüe/Flickr

For more information about Linea Abierta click here

To visit Linea Abierta audio archives go to archivosderb.org

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