Outrage Over Stomping of Black Baby Doll. Anti-Black Racism. New Law in Texas Bans Studies on Racism.

Wednesday_673x324(1)WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1
PROGRAM # 9366 12:00 PM PDT

Outrage Over Stomping of Black Baby Doll.

Students at a high school in Salinas, CA posted on social media photos of white and Latino kids posing with a Black baby doll they named Shaniqua, while they mocked the doll using the N-word and violently stomped the feet on the doll. “We are reliving racism because it’s not taught,” said a HS student. School officials released a statement disavowing racism and suspended some students. Incensed Parents and students demand accountability on what they describe as an incident of hatred. A social analyst considers this incident the tip of an iceberg and comments on the damage acts of racism cause in vulnerable members of the community.

Guest: Dr. Hortencia Jimenez, Sociology Professor, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Hartnell College, Salinas, CA.

Ethnic Studies and Race Relations.

A California state legislator, sponsor of a state bill that would make ethnic studies a requirement to graduate from high school, says the plans to teach about the history and culture of communities of color in public schools will help promote conversations on race, bring better understanding on racism, and reduce incidents of racism aroun the state.

Guest: California State Assemblymember José Medina, D-Riverside, Sacramento, CA.

New Law in Texas Bans Studies on Racism.

Today, a new law banning the teaching and the study in public schools of the history of racism and its pervasive impact goes into effect in Texas. Ten other states have similar laws. A scholar says this law is designed to deputize students and parents as “academic police” and to have a “chilling effect” among teachers.

Guest: Dr. John Mckiernan-González, Jerome and Catherine Supple Professor of the Southwest Studies, Director, Center for the Study of the Southwest, Associate Professor, History, Texas State University, Austin, TX

Photo: Kiara/Twitter

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