The Pope at the United Nations. Also, US, China Climate Plans.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28.
PROGRAM # 7618 12:00 PM PT

The Pope at the United Nations.

In the final days of his visit to the U.S., Pope Francis addressed the U.N. General Assembly in New York. The pontiff called the world leaders to fight against slave labor, trafficking of humans, weapons and drugs, and to protect our “common home,” the earth, because “harm done to the environment is harm done to humanity.” Also, in Philadelphia, the Pope gave a special message for Latinos and immigrants. This program includes segments of his sweeping speeches.

Also, US, China Climate Plans. At a White House meeting with President Obama, President Xi JinPing of China made a landmark announcement to start a national program to limit greenhouse gas emissions. The leaders of the world’s largest economies also announced other agreements to tackle climate change, as well as global health and food security, in anticipation of the Paris Climate Summit in November. An analyst comments on these developments.

Guest: Linda Escalante, Policy Advocate, California and Latino Advocacy Program, Natural Resources Defense Council, Director of Voces Verdes, San Francisco, CA,

Photo: United Nations/Facebook

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