Mexico Edition.


After parents and students confronted military police at the entrance to the barracks at Iguala, Guerrero, the fderal government will allow the National Commission of Human Rights to go in to the area. However, authorities rejected an investigation into elements of the Mexican Army for the disappearance of 43 students. In addition, in a live interview, the attorney and human rights defender Gustavo de la Rosa, reports that a few days before the fifth anniversary of the massacre of 16 students in Villas de Salvarcar, Chihuahua, the families have not received compensation, and the nine young people who survived are no longer receiving the scholarship the used to get from the federal government.

Guests: Attorney Gustavo de la Rosa Hickerson, former Ombudsman in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua; (Sound bites) Secretary of Interior, Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong; Defense Secretary, General Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda, México DF; Vidulfo Rosales Sierra, attorney, Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Montaña, Tlachinollan, Tlapa, Guerrero.

Photo: Sapdiel Gómez Gutiérrez/Flickr

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