Cuba Removed from US Terror List.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JUNE 11.
PROGRAM # 7541 12:00 PM PT

Cuba Removed from US Terror List.

President Obama has taken Cuba off the U.S. list of countries that sponsor terrorism, a major step in the move towards normalized relations with Cuba. Republicans in Congress are passing measures to keep restrictions against Cuba and oppose restored ties. What’s the importance of Obama’s lifting of the U.S. designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism? Can Congress derail Obama’s historic action to restore ties with Cuba? What do people in the U.S., Miami and Havana think about it?

Guests: Ruth Behar, Writer and Cultural Anthropologist, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI; Arturo López Levy, Lecturer and Doctoral Candidate in U.S. and Latin American Politics, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, CO.

Photo: PresidenciaRD/Flickr

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