Cities Defying State Bans on Anti-Covid Masks. Also, Infrastructure Bill.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25
PROGRAM # 9359 12:00 PM PDT

Cities Defying State Bans on Anti-Covid Masks.

As Delta Covid cases and hospitalizations surge, a growing number of cities and schools in Florida, Texas and Arizona defy their Republican governors’ bans on masks mandates. Meantime, Texas Gov. Abbott tested positive for coronavirus and a local court allowed local mask mandates to stay. Analysts comment on those stories and review the states that mandate wearing masks in indoor public settings.

Guests: Regina Romero, Mayor, Tucson, AZ (TBC). Others TBA.

Infrastructure Bill. The US House returns to session this week to consider the Senate-passed $3.5 trillion budget resolution, as a step to pass the reconciliation package. Nine House Democrats are threatening to vote against the budget resolution until the House passes the bipartisan infrastructure bill. A political reporter brings the news and an advocate examines the reconciliation package provisions of interest to working families and immigrants.

Guest: José López Zamorano, Reporter, Washington, DC; Xóchitl Oceguera, Vicepresident, Moms Rising/Mamás con Poder, Phoenix, AZ.


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