Berta Cáceres: “Green Nobel.” Also, Galeano on The Right to Delirium.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, APRIL 20.
PROGRAM # 7503 12:00 PM PT

Berta Cáceres: “Green Nobel.”

  •  Honduran activist Berta Cáceres, a leader of the indigenous Lenca people, is receiving this year’s “Green Nobel,” the best known environmental award. Cáceres has faced violent attacks and death threats for her fight against a controversial hydroelectric dam on her people’s territory. In this battle for their water rights, this indigenous population from Western Honduras is facing multinational corporations and global investors allied with the government.

Guest: Berta Cáceres, Co-founder of the Consejo de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras y el Foro de Represas y Ríos, Honduras, Centroamérica; Winner, Goldman Environmental Prize, San Francisco, CA,

Also, Galeano on The Right to Delirium. A recording of Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano’s reading of his essay The Right to Delirium, a week after his passing.

Photo: The Goldman Environmental Prize

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