New Tool For People Exposed to Pesticides in SJV

Nayamin Martinez, director of the Central California Environmental Justice Network- CCEJN, came to La Hora Mixteca to share information on the risks of exposure to toxic pesticides. She explained what pesticide drift is and how it can affect not only farmworkers, but also residents of nearby fields and orchards, students at schools near fields, and even people who happen to be driving past a field or orchard when pesticides are being applied. Ms. Martinez highlighted the new guide on what to do when exposed to pesticides created by Californians for Pesticide Reform. The guide is available in Spanish and there are two versions, one for the San Joaquin Valley and one for the Central Coast. Both guides are available for free and CCEJN is helping distribute them. She urged listeners to call CCEJN to request their free copy of the guide, which includes tips on pesticide poisoning symptoms, a summary of people’s rights when exposed to pesticides, emergency measures, how to get medical care and the importance of filing a complaint ASAP with the County Ag Commissioner. The guide includes the phone numbers and e-mails of the different county Ag commissioners. His program was conducted with a bilingual format in Spanish and Mixteco.

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