Assistance for Citizenship Applications

In this program we shared information on who qualifies to apply for U.S citizenship, the benefits of becoming a citizen and where to get free assistance to complete the application. Our guests were Fidelina Espinoza and Vianey Gomez, community outreach workers at Centro Binacional para el Desarrollo Indígena Oaxaqueño- CBDIO. Ms. Espinoza and Ms. Gomez assist people who have questions or need help file their citizenship application and get ready for the exam. Also discussed during the program were the qualifications to get a short citizenship exam in Spanish, and how to get ready to pass the citizenship exam. Our guests also invited listeners to attend an upcoming free workshop in Madera, CA, where people can get more information on the citizenship process, help to fill an application or free consultations with volunteer certified counselors or immigration attorneys.

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