A Christmas Pastorela for the Trump Era

Pastorela plays, which combine faith and fun, are a deep-rooted Mexican Christmas tradition. The plays have their origins in the colonial era, and tell of the obstacles that the devil puts in the way of a group of shepherds heading to Bethlehem to adore Baby Jesus. As part of the tradition, pastorelas often incorporate social criticism of the moment. This season, the Sinergia theater group of Los Angeles adapted its pastorela to the U.S. presidential election and the threat of mass deportations. Can you guess who the devil is? Our Los Angeles reporter, Rubén Tapia, takes us to the theater.
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2 Responses to A Christmas Pastorela for the Trump Era

  1. Manuel said: Gracias por mantener el Arte en Nuestra comunidad
  2. santiago manuel said: Gracias Sr. Ruben Tapia por apoyar el Arte en nuestra comunidad.

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