They manage to encourage Latinos to make themselves count

Fuera de la Suprema Corte están organizaciones de defensa de migrantes que se oponen a incluir la pregunta sobre ciudadanía en el Censo 2020. Foto: Jose Lopez Zamorano

Outside of the Supreme Court pro immigrant organizations wait on the court’s decision regarding the destiny of the citizenship question on the 2020 Census questionnaire. Photo: Jose Lopez Zamorano

A few days after the Supreme Court ruled on whether or not to include the question of citizenship in the 2020 Census, another serious problem is the lack of resources. And some warn that if urgent measures are not taken, more than two million Latinos could be excluded from this crucial population count. Faced with these dangers, civil organizations prepare ingenious campaigns to encourage Latinos to be counted. About that informs us from the capital, Washington, José López Zamorano.

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