Enrollment Ends for Subsidized Health Plans

This weekend, the second enrollment period ends for the market of subsidized health insurance plans, established by the health reform law. The deadline is Sunday, February 15th. During the last days in California, the website has seen intense traffic and telephone lines have been saturated at Covered California, the organism that regulates the health insurance marketplace in the state. At the same time, the agency intensified its publicity campaigns to try to make sure more Latinos sign up. To make enrollment easier, the agency installed new promotion and enrollment centers. One of these centers was set up at a community college in Wilmington, a Latino city south of Los Angeles. There, our reporter Rubén Tapia interviewed young students who were among the last to enroll.

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One Response to Enrollment Ends for Subsidized Health Plans

  1. Angelina Valencia said: Gracias, Ruben Tapia por un excelente reporte. Por tus esfuerzos, la comunidad Latina puede estar bien informada con temas de importancia como el de cuidado de salud.

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