Stories of Separation and Resistance at the Border

In oral stories, residents of the Chihuahua-Texas border area provide testimony of dramatic separations. Sandra grew up in El Paso, returned to Ciudad Juarez and married Rodolfo, a US citizen, on the international bridge, but the two remain separated by the border. In another story, two workers at the North American Communications maquila factory describe the terror they experienced when they were shut out of work one day after their company suddenly fled. In a third story, in a frank conversation between indigenous women, local Raramuri governor Rosalinda Guadalajara and Mixtec migrant Adriana García share anecdotes on the harsh realities of discrimination they face upon arriving from their villages to Mexico’s urban and Mestizo world. The testimonies were compiled and edited by independent journalist Mónica Ortiz Uribe with help from Elizabeth Solís Muñoz and Jazmine Rosales Martinez, journalism students at the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. The project was carried out in collaboration with the University of Texas at El Paso.

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