Mexican Human and Migrant Rights Champion Visits Fresno and Madera

Migrants from Central America in the hostel, Hermanos en el Camino, announcing the Caravan together with the Movement for Peace with Justice and dignity denouncing the war backed by the United States against drugs in México and the struggle in México to strengthen the rule of law, justice and protection of human rights. Photo: MexicoBlog Americas.

Migrants from Central America in the hostel, Hermanos en el Camino, announcing the Caravan together with the Movement for Peace with Justice and dignity denounce the war backed by the United States against drugs in México and the struggle in México to strengthen the rule of law, justice and protection of human rights. Photo: MexicoBlog Americas.

Rev. Alejandro Solalinde, a Mexican Catholic priest who has received numerous death threats for his tireless advocacy work on behalf of Mexican and Central American migrants, will visit the San Joaquin Valley this weekend.

During his visit, Father Solalinde, head of the Pastoral of Human Mobility of the Mexican Episcopacy and director of the migrant shelter Hermanos en el Camino in Southern Mexico, will meet with immigrant leaders and will talk about pressing issues such as the heinous crimes and abuses that thousands of Central American migrants who flee gang violence in their home countries systematically face when crossing through Mexico. He will also talk about the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Baja California after thousands of Haitian and African migrants seeking asylum in the US became stranded on the Mexico-US border.

Fr. Solalinde will be holding a news conference in Fresno State University to address those and other issues.

WHERE: Fresno State University, Music Hall, Room 160, Fresno, CA

WHEN: Monday, October 17th at 12 noon

At this event, Fresno City councilwoman Esmeralda Soria will be delivering an official proclamation honoring Fr. Solalinde’s extraordinary dedication to humanitarian aid for migrants and his public denunciation of human trafficking.

Fr. Solalinde will also be available to the media at a community event the day before. On Sunday, October 16th, he will be attending a community gathering and open forum with Mexican immigrants and civil rights leaders. The event will be held at the UFW Hall at 450 So. Madera, Suite H, in Madera, CA.

The visit is being sponsored by El Despertar del Sueño Americano, Frente Indígena de Organizaciones Binacionales, Radio Bilingüe, and a group of individuals concerned with migrant rights.

For more information, please call Maria de Jesus Gómez at 559-455-5782 or Guadalupe Cervantes at 559-803-4020.

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