Radio Bilingüe airs poignant soccer stories in the second program from Radio Ambulante

Radio AmbulanteRadio Bilingüe airs poignant soccer stories in the second program from Radio Ambulante

Radio Bilingüe is pleased to announce the broadcast of the second program of the Spanish-language series Radio Ambulante. Airing on Wednesday, October 16th at 5 PM PDT and Thursday, October 17th at 6:30 PDT, the 29-minute program brings the stories of a young fan who used to be a play-by-play announcer of imaginary football soccer games, the broadcaster who broke all professional rules when his team went under, and the sinister soccer game in Pinochet’s National Stadium that made Chile qualify for the World Cup in 1973.

This program is the second of a six-episode pilot series, produced by Radio Ambulante. Except for this month, the programs air monthly on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM PDT. This month’s segment runs on the third Wednesday at 5 PM PDT and Thursday at 6:30 PM PDT.

Radio Ambulante is a radio program that tells Latin American stories from anywhere Spanish is spoken, including the United States. We seek to bring the aesthetic of high-quality long-form journalism to radio. We work with a talented community of storytellers and radio producers from different corners of the continent, while taking advantage of technology to produce, distribute and exchange stories. You can find the program on Radio Ambulante’s website, iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher Radio and iVoox. You can also listen to the stories on

Radio Bilingüe is the leading Latino public radio network and content producer for the nation’s public broadcasting system.  Its mission is to serve as a voice to empower Latinos and other under-served communities. Headquartered in Fresno and Oakland, California, Radio Bilingüe owns and operates 13 of its own full-power FM non-commercial stations in California and the Southwest and produces the first – and only – daily national Spanish-language news and public affairs programs in public broadcasting. Scores of affiliate stations throughout the nation carry the award-winning journalism of Radio Bilingüe’s Noticiero Latino news show and Línea Abierta call-in talk show – unmatched in public or commercial broadcasting.




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