Advocates Call on Obama to Stop Raids

The national newspaper The Washington Post revealed a few days ago that Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, plans to carry out raids against Central American families that came to the United States seeking refuge, but who have received deportation orders. Several immigrant-rights groups launched a campaign to ask President Obama to change his plans and several churches announced they will offer sanctuary to families at risk of deportation. Our correspondent Rubén Tapia reports from Los Angeles, a city that has received a large number of Central Americans fleeing violence in their countries.

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One Response to Advocates Call on Obama to Stop Raids

  1. Amanda said: Se agradece el reportaje sobre el anuncio de deportaciones para centroamericanos, es un reportaje que enseña la realidad de angustia y dolor que están viviendo miles de familias que su único delito es la búsqueda de un sitio seguro, tener en otros casos la oportunidad de madres/padres de reencontrarse después de años de separación.

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