Mexican Farm Workers Call for Boycott Against California Fruit Giant

Las fresas y moras de Driscoll se ven en casi todos los supermercados de Estados Unidos. Foto: Mike Mozart via Flickr. Licencia de Creative Commons.

Driscoll’s berries are seen in almost every supermarket in the United States. Photo: Mike Mozart via Flickr. Licencia de Creative Commons.

A farm worker leader from the San Quintín Valley, an agro-export enclave in Northern Mexico, travels to the United States calling for a boycott against the products of Driscoll’s, the leading supplier of berries in this country. The organized laborers in Baja California are holding Driscoll’s responsible for the conditions of semi-slavery under which they claim they pick the berries for the U.S. market. The farm worker delegate, teacher Gloria Gracida Martínez, explained details of the campaign and the group’s petition during a visit to the studios of Línea Abierta in Oakland, California.

A transcription of a segment of the interview with Radio Bilingüe news director Samuel Orozco is available in Spanish.

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