“I would send her articles. I would send her studies. I would send her whatever I thought might either scare her enough about covid to get the vaccine or allay her concerns enough about the vaccine,” said Lee Stonum, 41, a public defender in Orange County, California. His mother, who lives in Cleveland, also sent emails to her granddaughter urging her to get the shots.

“She was very skilled at blowing it off,” Stonum said of his only child. “It was constantly, ‘OK, I’ll think about it.’ It was never an outright ‘no.’”

Tyler Gilreath and his mother, Tamra Demello, pose after his high school graduation in May 2019.(Alex Eddy).

Tyler Gilreath and his mother, Tamra Demello, pose after his high school graduation in May 2019.(Alex Eddy).

“He was one of those kids who had to make every mistake himself, because he always knew best,” said Demello, 60, of Apex, North Carolina. “The more a mother’s lips move, the less the ears on their male children open.”

Both young people recently died of covid — Kennedy on Feb. 11, Tyler last September. The vaccines had been available to them for months before their deaths.

Parents of teenagers and young adults are familiar with this tug of war: Their kids, soon-to-be full-fledged adults, resist parental input and think they know what’s right. They learn about covid from friends and posts on social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok — not always the most accurate sources.

Parents often have enough leverage to compel their kids to get vaccinated — but not always.

“Take their cell phone away. It would be three hours before they were lining up at the clinic,” Lee Stonum said. However, that option wasn’t available to him because Kennedy lived primarily with her mother, Stonum’s ex-wife, in another part of Orange County.

Covid deaths among young people are uncommon, but Kennedy Stonum and Tyler Gilreath are certainly not alone: For example, an unvaccinated 15-year-old girl from Pensacola, Florida, died in September, as did an unvaccinated 16-year-old high school football player from Mississippi.

Vaccination rates remain low among young people: Just over 57% of kids ages 12 to 17 and 62% of 18- to 24-year-olds are fully vaccinated, compared with 69% of the entire vaccine-eligible population of the United States.

That is in part due to a feeling of youthful invincibility, amplified because the disease is far less deadly among young people than older Americans.

Children and adolescents account for 22% of the U.S. population but an estimated 3% of covid-related hospitalizations and less than 0.1% of covid deaths. Of the nearly 1 million people in the United States who have died of covid, the vast majority have been 65 and older.