Caravan Against Fear will arrive on Wednesday in Fresno

17457682_211650309317600_4919917571229665369_nOn Wednesday, April 12, the Caravan Against Fear will arrive in Fresno at the Fresno County Sheriff’s office. The Caravan is traveling from California to Texas to defend immigrant rights, keep families together, resist the Trump agenda, and build momentum for the May 1 National Strike. Throughout the journey, the Caravan will put pressure on legislators to pass expansive sanctuary policies for all, refuse to cooperate with ICE, withhold funding for deportations or border wall construction, and restore constitutional protections to people living along the border.

“We’re mobilizing because fear is spreading throughout the U.S, especially among the immigrant communities. We are here today standing united with our immigrant brothers and sisters in rejecting fear and hate,” said Samuel Molina, CA State Director of Mi Familia Vota.

The Caravan is sponsored by a diverse and growing coalition of labor, community, human rights, religious, civic, environmental, and other organizations, including: Mi Familia Vota, FMTK Central Labor Council, United Farm Workers, United Farm Workers Foundation, SEIU, National Day Labor Organizing Network, Border Network for Human Rights, Southern Border Communities Coalition, Reform Immigration for Texas Alliance, Rompeviento Television, Global Exchange, and dozens of other allies in both the U.S. and Mexico.

WHAT: Immigration Caravan Against Hate & Fear, Fresno Stop
WHEN: 10am April 12, 2017
WHERE: Fresno County Sheriff’s Office
2200 Fresno St, Fresno, CA 93724
WHO: Assembly Member Dr. Joaquin Arambula
Fresno Unified School District Trustee Claudia Cazares
Reza Nekumanesh Director of Fresno Islamic Cultural Center
Community allies/advocates

Follow the Caravan Against Fear on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
#AgainstFear #ShutitDownMay1

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