Young Immigrants Elated over Passage of DREAM Act

A delegation of 10 #Dreamers is getting ready to fly out to Washington D.C. to witness history on the house floor with passage of the Dream and Promise Act in the House of Representatives.   They will give these sashes to members of congress who pledge to vote #YESonHR6. Photo: CHIRLA via Facebook

A delegation of 10 #Dreamers is getting ready to fly out to Washington D.C. to witness history on the house floor with passage of the Dream and Promise Act in the House of Representatives.
They will give these sashes to members of congress who pledge to vote #YESonHR6. Photo: CHIRLA via Facebook

A group of Dreamers and TPS beneficiaries expressed elation over House approval of the Dream and Promise Act promoted by Democratic California legislator Lucille Roybal-Allard. All House Democrats and seven Republicans voted in favor of the measure to legalize more than 2 million young Dreamers and other migrants with temporary protected status. Although the young activists do not expect the legislation to succeed in the Republican-controlled Senate, they remain hopeful over this first historic step in favor of migrants after years of legislative inaction, according to Dreamer Rosa Barrientos, who spoke with Samuel Orozco on the program Línea Abierta shortly before the historic vote.

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