(Español) Alerta en California y la nación por coronavirus

Coronavirus 2019 is a concept of the nCov coronavirus responsible for the Asian flu. Foto: www.123rf.com.

Coronavirus 2019 is a concept of the nCov coronavirus responsible for the Asian flu. Foto: www.123rf.com.

California and the Nation Raise Alarm on Coronavirus – California has reported the nation’s first case of the coronavirus not linked to foreign travel, which the state government is calling “the first example of community transmission.” More than eight thousand people in California who recently traveled to Asia are being monitored.

Meanwhile, San Francisco and Orange Counties have moved to declare a state of emergency to adopt urgent preventive measures. President Trump appointed Vice President Pence to the commission responsible for the coronavirus response, while dismissing warnings by scientists from the disease control agency who claim that an outbreak appears inevitable in the United States.

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